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The accountant is the man next door

The accountant is the man next door but also the unpaid employee of the state


Until a few years ago most people visited the accountant, professional or not, regular or not, once a year, at the time of the famous declarations. With all the measures that have been taken in recent years by all the governments and all the changes that have taken place, suddenly the accountant has become more necessary than ever. Sometimes, clearly with a fair amount of exaggeration, but the truth is that for any issue concerning the state, the citizen almost automatically thinks and turns to the accountant.

If we take into account that recently, the state itself has been slowly but surely abolishing the KEPs, then the accountant immediately becomes the person who will help and serve us. So the accountant, from the person who simply has an office somewhere in our neighborhood, has literally become the person next door. And the right professional, because above all he respects his client, but also himself, is now the good neighbor.

The good thing is that the public, the common citizen, now sees the accountant as a helping hand, appreciates (to a great extent but unfortunately not always) his effort, but now realizes that he is a professional who struggles as well as the more people to give them a ride, and not just any swindler-predator, who will simply charge him for a statement.

Unfortunately, however, the only one who does not understand this is the state itself, which has found us as the easy solution to everything it announces, so that the citizen can be informed and served, it throws at us anything it wants without thinking much, with as a result, the professional accountant has indirectly and directly become the unpaid employee of the state and essentially forces us to rely on the goodwill of everyone.

And because someone may be quick to say: OK, you say it well, but you are already calling us names, we must say and emphasize that even when we are paid well, because fortunately there is also an honorable one, of course this is not always the case, several times and not at all , the problems we face with the mismanagement of the state and especially with the "system" that is falling down, NOT being paid.

Fortunately some people realize and appreciate it.

That is why we appreciate them and thank them.

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